I have moved!
You can find my new home at http://awkwardthingsisaytogirls.com - which, if I do say so myself, is freaking awesome.
I HAVE MOVED: awkwardthingsisaytogirls.com
You can find my new home at http://awkwardthingsisaytogirls.com - which, if I do say so myself, is freaking awesome.
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I'm typing this post from my old bedroom on Christmas Eve. There is an awkward thing that I will get to later on, but first there are two things I want to mention about how my blog is going these days.
Sometimes I wonder if I can keep this up for much longer. I mean, I have to run out of things to talk about, right? Then I remember these two facts:
And, hell, if worst comes to worst and I start dating someone and have nothing new to write about on Mondays, I am still toying with the idea of serializing that feature-length Awkward Adventure I've alluded to a few times. I mean, my friends sure know that I never get tired of telling that story.
Wait. Who am I kidding? If I start dating someone, this will become a daily blog. Anyhow, here's your Monday awkwardness, because, baby, you know I treat you right.
Imagine that there are seven friends sitting around playing a board game. We're all chatting happily, enjoying the good company, awash in the good feelings you get spending time with good friends during the holiday season. There's a contented, excited buzz of conversation floating about the room. Everyone is having a noisy good time.
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I've been tagged. And, frankly, it's about time I let you behind the curtain a little bit.
Also, don't be surprised if you notice that a Christmas Miracle has happened to this website the next time you stop by. We're turning it up to 11 over here at Awkward Things, just in time for the new year.
Okay. On to the five things!
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"Do you mind genuinely kissing each other on stage? Because we could do fake stage kisses if you want, but it just wouldn't be the same."
It's the early summer of 1998. My junior year of high school was just about over. I had just found out that I had won the male lead in the fall musical. The drama teacher had gathered me together with Female Lead to have a discussion about what that means.
Apparently, that means kissing.
After some glances back and forth, we told the director that, well, sure. Kissing is fine. Whatever, I mean, you know. It's not like it's that big of a deal.
No big deal at all. I mean, I was 17. I had kissed lots of girls before then - there was the one time in pre-school when I got in trouble for kissing a girl a couple of times, and then my first real kiss when I was 15. That's, like, 3 times total. So I was practically an expert.
Plus, I mean, it's not like I daydreamed endlessly about Female Lead since, say, the sixth grade, because of how much I liked her. Good thing there wasn't that.
Like I said: no big deal at all.
"Justin!" The drama teacher was seated out in the back of the auditorium. She could be loud when she wanted to be.
"Yeah?" We were in rehearsal, several months later. I had just finished delivering what I felt to be a key monologue for establishing my character's behavioral trajectory and for creating, in the audience's mind, a more tightly-drawn tension through my character's delayed maturation process to the final Independence he shows from societal definitions of both family and profession, which, ultimately, allows him to pursue the family and profession that he truly loves. I think my exact line was, "I am a man!" delivered to Female Lead.
"I want you to kiss her right now."
"Okay." I made a note of it in my script, then continued with my lines.
"I meant, right now. As in, you need to kiss her now."
"Wait, for real?" I say. There is a pause. Some chorus girls giggle. Guys shift awkwardly. "I mean, right now?" I turn to look at her. Then I look back at the drama teacher. "Are you sure?"
Okay. I can do this.
I looked back at Female Lead, who looked up at me. I ignored the stage lights, all fifty other cast members who were extras in the scene, and the assorted stage crew looking on from auditorium seats. I tried to think like my character, who had been dating Female Lead's character for eight years, but was only now discovering who he truly was and how much he truly loved her. I stepped closer. I bent my head down towards hers slowly, then slower still.
I hesitated.
Then I stepped away, turned to the drama teacher, and shouted:
"Where does my nose go?"
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About a week and a half ago, I was at a bar with a friend. He's married, and, lucky for you, I'm not.
A girl sits down with us who my friend knows and who I don't. She is definitely pretty, but she seems really distracted. I wonder to myself: what is she distracted about? She looks over at my friend and asks the worst question ever.
"Do you think I'm good looking?"
Yikes. I think the only way to deal with this situation is to induce vomiting and call a doctor. My friend takes the safe route and punts, citing his marriage to a wife.
But not me. I'm dumb.
"Oh! I'll tell you. Hang on, let me think about it."
Awkward silence. I'm actually thinking about the question. I'm serious, there are gears turning in my head. They are stupid, idiotic gears, but they're turning away.
"If you have to think about it so long, the answer must not be good."
What? Oh, no. She's misunderstood me.
"No, I'm trying to think about how good looking my friend would think you are. Personally, I think you're beautifully gorgeous. So, what do you do?"
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